Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Why you should learn Generics

Over the past couple of years, I have been surprised with the number of senior level developers that I have meet that do not use Generics.  Not only do they not use generics but they actually have very little understanding of them.  In this article, I would like to explain why all developers should not only learn generics but use them regularly.  While this article focuses on the Swift programming language, the concepts of why you should learn and use generics will apply to almost any language that have generics similar to Swift.

I will start off by demonstrating the problem that generics solve.  Let’s say we are developing a new application and within this application we have the need to swap the value of two integer variables.  To meet this need, in Swift, we could very easily write a function like this:

func swapInt(_ a: inout Int, _ b: inout Int) {
    let tmp = a
    a = b
    b = tmp

This function could then be used like this:

var one = 1
var two = 2
swapInt(&one, &two)

Now, a few days or weeks later, as we continue to write the application, we discover a need to swap the values of two string variables.  We could then add another function to do this.  The following code shows this new function:

func swapInt(_ a: inout String, _ b: inout String) {
    let tmp = a
    a = b
    b = tmp

As time goes by we may end up with several functions like the previous swap functions but with different parameter types.  Instead of having all of these different functions, in the beginning we could have created one generic swap function that looked like this:'

func swapGeneric<T>(_ a: inout T, _ b: inout T) {
    let tmp = a
    a = b
    b = tmp

Notice that the generic version of the swap function uses a placeholder, capital T, rather than the actual parameter type.  This placeholder tells the compiler that we will define the type to use at runtime.  Since the T placeholder is used for both parameters, they are required to be of the same type.

We would use this generic function exactly like we would use the non-generic swap functions.  The following code illustrates this:

var one = 1
var two = 2
swapGeneric(&one, &two)

Now the parameters can be instances of any type as long as they are instances of the same type.  We could swap the values of two string types like this:

var one = “one”
var two = “two”
swapGeneric(&one, &two)

Swapping values isn’t too exciting so let’s look at something that does a bit more by seeing how we could use generics to create a very basic queue type.  The following code shows how to do this.

struct Queue<T> {
    private var items = [T]()
    public mutating func push(_ item: T) {
    public mutating func pop() -> T? {
        if (items.count > 0) {
            return items.remove(at: 0)
        } else {
            return nil

We would use this queue type like this:

var queue = Queue<Int>()

One of the best things about this queue type is it is ready to accept any type.  We could very easily create an instance of the Queue type that would store String values like this:

var queue = Queue<String>()

One of the questions that someone new to generics may ask is: Why don’t we just use the Any type rather than generics?  In Swift, the Any type allows us to use instances of any type.  The following code shows how we could create a Queue type that used the Any type:

struct QueueAny {
    private var items = [Any]()
    public mutating func push(_ item: Any) {
    public mutating func pop() -> Any? {
        if (items.count > 0) {
            return items.remove(at: 0)
        } else {
            return nil

The QueueAny type lets us create a queue that can contain any type similar to the previous generic queue however there are several disadvantages to this method.  The one disadvantage that we will focus on here is the ability to add any type to the queue.  For example this code would be perfect ok with the QueueAny queue:

var queueAny = QueueAny()

Notice how we are able to add both an integer and a string to the same queue.  The QueueAny type functions similar to how Arrays worked in Objective-C.  Now if we popped an item off the queue we would need to typecast it before we used any of the methods or properties of the type.  This does not allow us to have any compile time checks to make sure we are using the correct types in our queue and is prone to error, as any Objective-C developer can tell you.

With the generic Queue type, since we explicitly define the type of items stored in the queue, we are able to use the properties and methods of that type without the need to typecast.  This gives us the compile time checks that ensures we are using the correct types.

The answer to the question about why you should learn generics is:  Generics enable us to write very flexible and reusable code that is also very safe.  In this article we only scratched the surface of generics.  If you are unfamiliar with generics I would recommend taking the time to learn more about them.

In my Mastering Swift 4 book there is a chapter dedicated to generics that gives the reader a good introduction to generics which shows how to create generic functions, types and protocols.  We also look at using type constraints with generics and the new generic subscripting feature that was introduced in Swift 4.

In my Swift 4 Protocol Oriented Programmingbook we also have a chapter dedicated to generics.  In that chapter, we briefly cover generic types, protocols, type constraints and generic subscripting.  We also include more advance topics like how generics are used in the Swift standard library and how to use generics to implement the Copy-on-Write feature for custom value types.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Announcing Two New Swift Programming Books

Swift is the definitive language of Apple development today. It’s a vital part of any iOS and OS X developer’s skillset, helping them to build the most impressive and popular apps on the App Store—the sort of apps that are essential to iPhone and iPad users every day. With version 4.0, the Swift team has added new features to improve the development experience—making it easier to get the results you want and customers expect.

The first book that was released in the Mastering Swift 4 book.  Inside this book, you’ll find the key features of Swift 4.0 and quickly learn how to use the newest updates to your development advantage. From Objective-C interoperability to ARC, to closures and concurrency, this advanced Swift guide will develop your expertise and make you more fluent in this vital programming language.

Mastering Swift 4 will give you in-depth knowledge of some of the most sophisticated elements of Swift development including protocol extensions, error-handling, design patterns, and concurrency, and guide you on how to use and apply them in your own projects. You'll see how to leverage the power of Protocol-Oriented program to write cleaner and easier to manage code. We will also show you how Apple uses Protocol-Oriented programming techniques in the Swift standard library.

Some key areas that are covered are:
  *  Dive into the core components of Swift 4.0, including operators, collections, control flow, and functions
  *  Create and use classes, structures, and enums
  *  Understand protocol-oriented design and see how it can help you write better code
  *  Develop a practical understanding of subscripts, optionals, and closures
  *  Add concurrency to your applications using Grand Central Dispatch and Operation Queues
  *  Implement Generics and Closures to write very flexible and reusable codes 
  *  Make use of error handling and the availability feature to write safer code

This book is for developers who want to dive into the newest version of Swift. If you are a developer that learns best by looking at, and working with code, then this book is for you. A basic understanding of Apple's tools is beneficial but not mandatory.

The second book that is released in Swift 4 Protocol Oriented Programming.  With this edition, we did a complete re-write and added a lot of new content.  

The Swift standard library is developed using protocol-oriented programming techniques, generics, and first-class value semantics; therefore, every Swift developer should understand these powerful concepts and how to take advantage of them in their application design.

This book will help you understand the differences between object-oriented programming and protocol-oriented programming. It will demonstrate how to work with protocol-oriented programming using real-world use cases. You will gain a solid knowledge of the various types that can be used in Swift and the differences between value and reference types. You will be taught how protocol-oriented programming techniques can be used to develop very flexible and easy-to-maintain code.

By the end of the book, you will have a thorough understanding of protocol- oriented programming and how to utilize it to build powerful and practical applications.

Some of the key areas covered is:
  *  Understand the differences between object-oriented programming and protocol-oriented programming
  *  Explore the different types that Swift offers and what pitfalls to avoid
  *  How Protocols and Generics are used in the Swift Standard library
  *  Delve into generics and see how to use them in a Protocol-Oriented design
  *  Learn how to implement Copy-On-Write within your custom types
  *  Implement several design patterns in a protocol-oriented way
  *  Design applications by prioritizing the protocol first and the implementation types second

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Getting started with the Kitura Stencil framework

In our last post we showed how to create REST based web services using Swift and IBM’s Kitura framework.  In this post we will show how to serve both static and dynamic web pages with Swift using the Kitura and the Kitura Stencil frameworks.  The Kitura framework, developed by IBM, is a light-weight, high-performance, web framework and server written in the Swift language.  The Kitura stencil framework allows us to separate our view component from the controller code when we are serving web pages.

If you are not familiar with what IBM is doing with server side Swift, I would recommend you visit their web site at https://developer.ibm.com/swift/.  One note, all code for this post was written and tested on an Ubuntu 16.10 laptop.  The code should also work on macOS but you may need to install other dependencies. 

We will start off by creating the project using the Swift Package Manager. To do this we will create a directory named kitura_web_page_sample and then initialize the project with the Swift package manager:

mkdir kitura_web_page_sample
cd kitura_web_page_sample
swift package init

The first thing we need to do is add the Kitura framework as a dependency for our project. We do this by adding the dependency to the Package.swift file.  The Package.swift file should have the following code in it:

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "kitura_web_page_sample",
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura.git", majorVersion: 1, minor: 4)

Before we show how to use stencils and properly serve both static and dynamic web pages with Kitura, we will start off by showing what NOT to do.  Let’s create the main.swift file under the Sources directory and put the following code in it:

import Kitura

// Create a new router
let router = Router()

router.get("/dontdo") {
    request, response, next in
    response.send("<h1>Don't do this</h1>'")

// Add an HTTP server and connect it to the router
Kitura.addHTTPServer(onPort: 8090, with: router)

// Start the Kitura runloop (this call never returns)

The first line imports the Kitura framework so we can use it in our code.  Next, we create an instance of the Router class.  The Router class provides an interface for routing the incoming requests to the correct code.  This class lets us handle all standard REST request types. You can find the reference page for the Router class here:  http://ibm-swift.github.io/Kitura/Classes/Router.html#/s:FC6Kitura6Router3getFtGSqSS_7handlerGSaFzTCS_13RouterRequestCS_14RouterResponseFT_T__T___S0_

We use the get method to set up a router handler that will be invoked when an HTTP GET request comes in with a path pattern that matches the supplied path.  In this example, the path that we are matching against is “/donotdo” because we should not be serving web pages this way.  If a request does come in with the correct path, the code in the closure is called.  In our service, we send back a HTML page that displays the text “Don’t do this”.

We use the addHTTPServer(onPort:with:) to register the router.  The onPort parameter is the port number to bind the server too.  In this example, we will bind to port 8090.  This call only registers the server, it does not start listening until we call the run()  method in the last line.

Now let’s save the file and run Swift build from our project’s root directory.

If you receive an error that the compile could not find curl/curl.h, you will need to install the libcurl4-openssl-dev package (or any of the other three packages that provide the curl.h header file).  To do this run the following command:
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

If everything compiles correctly we can run the application with the following command from the project’s root directory:


If everything starts up correctly, we can open any web browser and see the page by going to http://localhost:8090/donotdo. 

Now the question may be, why shouldn’t we do this.  It is good practice to always try to separate the view component from the controller.  With the previous code our view (HTML code) is embedded within our controller which means we will have to update the code every time the view changes.  This is definitely not ideal especially since the person that creates the view can be different from the person that writes the controller.

To separate the view from the controller we can use Kitura templates.  The Kitura template engine allows us to render web pages from static templates.  This allows us to update the view by updating the template rather than the controller code.  Let’s see how we can use the Kitura template engine.  The first thing we need to do is to update the dependencies for our project.  The following code shows the new Package.swift file with the updated dependencies.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "kitura_web_page_sample",
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura.git", majorVersion: 1, minor: 4),
        .Package(url: "https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura-StencilTemplateEngine.git", majorVersion: 1, minor: 4)

Now let’s create a template.  Templates reside in a directory called Views off of the project’s root directory. The following command will create this directory:

mkdir Views

The stencil files use a file extension of .stencil.  Let’s create a stencil file named home.stencil and put the following code in it.
    <h2>Hello Turtles</h1>

Notices that this stencil file contains standard HTML at this point.  To use this template, we need to import the Kitura Stencil framework into our code.  Add the following import to the main.swift file:

Import KituraStencil

Now we need to set the stencil engine right after we create the router.  The following code shows how to do this:

// Create a new router
let router = Router()

//Setup Stencil
router.setDefault(templateEngine: StencilTemplateEngine())

Finally we will create a router handler that will use the stencil.  Put the following code in the main.swift file right below the other router handler:

router.get("/home") {
    request, response, next in
    defer { next() }
    try response.render("home", context: [:])

Notice the try response.render(“home”, context: [:]) line in the router handler.  This line will look in the Views directory for a file named home.stencil and render the page from the template.  The context parameter is used to pass data to the template.  We will see how to use the context parameter a little later in this post but before we do that let’s see how we can use a template within another template.

There are times when we would like to use a standard header or footer for all web pages.  We really do not want to put this code in each template because then when someone wants to changes the header or footer we would have to make the changes to each template.  With the Kitura stencil framework we can embed one stencil within another.  Let’s see how this works by creating a simple header named header.stencil in the Views directory and put this single line of code in it:

<h1>Mega Turtles</h1>

We can now update the home.stencil file so it contains the following code:

    {% include "header.stencil" %}
    <h2>Hello Turtles</h1>

Notice that we added the {% include “header.stencil” %} line to the file.  This line will search the Views directory for a file named header.stencil and embed the code from that file into this page.  If we build and run the application we will see that the Mega Turtles header is now at the top of the page.

When we refer to these files we refer to them as templates however you may be wondering why we use the .stencil extension.  This is because we are using the Stenciltemplate engine.  This stencil engine allows us to substitute template variables with actual values at runtime.  This allows us to create dynamic web pages.  We saw a basic example of this in the previous post where we added the header template to the page.

Let’s see how we can use the template engine to create dynamic pages.  The first thing we need to do is to create a new template.  Let’s create a template named list.stencil in the Views directory and put the following code in it.

    {% include "header.stencil" %}
    There are {{ turtles.count }} turtles.

Notice the new line in this file.  Before we explain this line, let’s look at the router handler that will use this template.

    router.get("/list") {        request, response, next in        defer { next() }        var context = [String: Any]()        context["turtles"] = turtleNames        try response.render("list", context: context)    }

Within this router handler, we define an array named turtleNames with four elements.  We also create a dictionary object named context.  This dictionary will contain the data for the template to use.  We add the turtleNames array to the context dictionary with a key of turtles and then include the context dictionary when we render the list template.
If we look back at the list template, we see that we use the turtle array like this: {{ turtles.count }}.  This code calls the count property on the array to print out the number 4 since there are four elements in our turtleNames array.
Now let’s change the list.stencil file so we will print out the list of turtle names.

    There are {{ turtles.count }} turtles.
    {% for turtle in turtles %}
      <li> {{ turtle }} </li>
    {% endfor %}

Notice the new code that is within the {% and %}.  The line with the for turtle in turtles creates a for loop to iterate though the turtles array.  We then display each element in the array with the {{ turtle }} line and end the for loop with the {% endfor %} line.

Here is the full listing of the main.swift file:

import Kitura
import KituraStencil

// Create a new router
let router = Router()

//Setup Stencil
router.setDefault(templateEngine: StencilTemplateEngine())

router.get("/dontdo") {
    request, response, next in
    response.send("<h1>Don't do this</h1>'")

router.get("/list") {
    request, response, next in
    defer { next() }
    var context = [String: Any]()
    let turtleNames = [
        "Donetello", "Leonardo", "Michelangelo","Raphael"

    context["turtles"] = turtleNames
    try response.render("list", context: context)

// Add an HTTP server and connect it to the router
Kitura.addHTTPServer(onPort: 8090, with: router)

// Start the Kitura runloop (this call never returns)

It is pretty easy to use the Kitura Stencil framework.  In future posts well will be expanding on this knowledge.